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Small Business Web Design and Development

Static Websites

Not all businesses need a complex, feature-rich website. For many businesses, websites don't have to be complex and extra ordinary as they are a means of online presence that present the basic information about the business for prospective clients.
Static, HTML based websites are perfect for these requirements.
A static website is suitable in these scenarios:
  • Frequent update of information is not required.
  • Website has less than 10 pages.
  • No dynamic features other than a contact form are required.
  • Web development budget is low e.g. less than $500.
  • No regular security updates/patches required which is a major benefit of HTML based websites.

Template Based Websites

Ready made web templates can be used for basic websites that don't require heavy customization.
Template based designs can still be made unique, which makes them the easiest and the most cost-effective option.
Advantages of template based static websites:
  • Quick turn around.
  • Cost effective. A static site based off a template can be built for less than $300.
  • Custom logo and other business specific graphics can be easily applied.
  • Suitable for businesses that require a basic, low cost website.
Templates can be bought from a marketplace and can then be customized to suit your requirements. and have thousands of templates to choose from.

Dynamic Websites

You will require a dynamic website if you need to add pages or content yourself.
Dynamic websites have a user login system where multiple accounts can be created, all with different permissions on the website.
This can be useful if company employees need to add content. Even clients can be provided access through a user account to allow them to add/remove content.
The content can be anything from simple documents, to forms, images, videos etc.
Features of a dynamic website:
  • User login system.
  • Add features like appointment system, booking management system.
  • Add/remove/update content and pages whenever needed without the help of web admin.
  • Allow users to add any content type e.g. docuemnts, files, images, videos.
  • Set user permissions e.g. some users can add and delete while some users can only add or read etc.
  • Website software needs regular updates, patches and security fixes to keep the website secure.

Content Management Systems (CMS) based dynamic websites:

We only offer Content Management Systems (CMS) based dynamic websites. Our recommended CMS systems are Wordpress and Drupal.
Advantages of using a CMS system include:
  • Updates and patches available to fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Non-propriety code, changes and enhancements to the website can be made by any developer.
  • Community help available for bugs and issues.
  • Software upgrade lifecycle managed by vendors.